I was out of coffee so after wok I pulled into the trader joe's parking lot. After getting cut off twice, almost hit once and generally pissed off countless times within a five minute time period, I thought to myself, "fuck this place," and then I drove to vons
Traders and I have a love/hate relationship. I love their wine selection, their salads, the little yogurt parfaits...I hate the parking lot, people who hover in front of the cheese section for 20 minutes, and the damn talkative cashiers. Some of you may know of my past history with these cashiers... Dena is the only one who has witnessed it. She swears they have a photo of me in the back room that says 'beware' and she might be right.
I don'y know what it is about the traders cashiers- but they piss me off more than anything else in the whole wide world except for people who say dogs are smarter than cats, which is totally not true. long sentence.
I have, in the past, let my feelings be known to these cashiers. Anthony is starting to think i have a traders-centered anger management probelem, but he just doesn't understand that they're all asking for it. I know management tells them to be friendly but these people are obnoxious mixed with intrusive.
Here is a normal conversation between me and a traders cashier:
them: hi, how are you?
me: fine ( I don't like to encourage them)
them: did you find everything you needed?
me: yup
them: have a good day (at this point most of them have sensed that I don't want to talk)
me: thanks
Here is a conversation that is destined to piss me off:
them: hi, did you find everything you need?
me: yup.
them: so, how was you day?
me: fine
them: just, fine? (said with what they think is a charming smile)
me: yeah
them: but the weather was so beautiful, didn't you get to go outside?
me: i was at work.
them: oh, that's too bad, i woke up, went to the beach and class and then came to work (meanwhile they are ringing up my groceries slooowwwlllyy)
me: uh-huh (in my head: I don't care, I don't care, I don't care)
The time I got really snarky with a cashier he was talking, and flirting, and talking and flirting with everyone in line in front of me- even the men, I swear to g-d. When dena and I got up there he tried to chat us up and I just snapped.
I can't remember exactly what I said- though dena might cuz I think she was horrified- I think it was along the lines of, "Why don't you spend less time trying to chat us up and more time rining up our groceris and then maybe you line wouldn't be the slowest one IN THE ENTIRE STORE. "
I swear, if it was a movie the people in line behind me would have broken out in applause. I think they were thinking about it.
So, Vons was ok, btw. in case you were wondering. even though the guy in front of me tried to argue the price on the ENORMOUS container of bleach he was buying (?) and the console has way too many buttons to push before it gets to ringing in your damn card.....but you know, I guess no store is perfect ;)