damn you facebook and your wiley ways. After all that talk about secrecy i just had to go and do something stupid. I was on facebook and thought 'gee it's a shame more people don't have access to my blog, especially now that it's goign to be chock-ful of sarah musings'
so what do i do? i post my blog adress on my facebook profile. Damn you hubris!
You see, i was thinking only of my 'friends' only my friends will see it I thought. but there are others on facebook, oh yes. Young, impressionable relatives, people I don't really like, and many many more. I'd never be able to post anything mean about anyone again. I might as well shrivel up and die.
I took it off right after i realized what i had done, but it was too late.
For those of you unfamiliar with facebook, this is what happend. all of my 'friends' got a message saying, " sarah has updated her contact information" and another, " sarah has removed her contact information,' both times it would state plain as day what had been removed. ie: my blog address. dumb. dumb. dumb.
I can only hope that people forget, or don't really care. sigh.